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Time To Get A Little Spooky!

Time To Get A Little Spooky! published on No Comments on Time To Get A Little Spooky!

As the weather begins to cool and everyone heads back to school, it’s time to think of more festive things like one of our favorite holidays – Halloween!

You can celebrate with us with our great selection of holiday themed stories. Each one is almost guaranteed to freak you out, make you laugh or possibly just confuse you. Either way, we think you’ll find something worth celebrating!

One of those items is the spooky Halloween Please Rewind™ story featured in this post (click the image to find out more).

“A late night snack craving turns into a nightmare in a spooky take on the old saying “you are what you eat”.”

So take a look at our Halloween selections today! We think you’ll agree that it’s more treat than trick.

HPS Halloween Store

The Stand Alone Website – Doomed To Extinction?

The Stand Alone Website – Doomed To Extinction? published on No Comments on The Stand Alone Website – Doomed To Extinction?

It’s Saturday morning and as I sit here tweaking some code on this website, it dawns on me that what I’m hosting right now may quickly becoming a unicorn in the wild.

When webcomics first popped up on the scene, the vast majority of us had little choice but to buy our own webspace and quickly learn how to hammer HTML into something that would present our comic strips. There was no WordPress and webcomic plugins certainly didn’t exist as they are today. The closest thing I remember was a script called Walrus that made the task at least bearable by automating some of the work. Still, if you weren’t willing to dive in and write code or pay someone else to do it, you weren’t going to have a website.

One of the cool things about early webcomics was discovering their websites. Each one was as unique as the comic strips they hosted. They were like little themed islands in a giant online amusement park. It was fun.

Sadly, as it seems with many things online, the march of time has lead to giant aggregators and collection sites popping up and swallowing content whole. All hosted on nearly the same, boring template. Just one strip in a sea of thousands vying for attention. In a race to satiate the appetites of readers, it feels like something special has been lost.

Oh sure, I understand the appeal of large collection websites. It’s less bookmarks and hassle to see everything in one place. You don’t have to go searching for everything. You’re busy.

But sometimes it’s good to slow down. To check out the unseen corners of the internet and discover something unusual that doesn’t quite fit the modern narrative. Sometimes it’s just cool to find something in it’s purest form of expression.

For me, that is personal webcomic websites. Standing alone in the wilderness, keeping a lantern on for any travelers still willing to leave the main path and go exploring.

How long we’ll last out here is anyone’s guess but I can’t imagine hosting comics any other way.

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